Tessa was a dear friend who approached life with grace, kindness, jokes, and passion. I loved her curiosity, empathy, humor, and drive. She really inspired me and helped me through difficult times. She and I met in Spanish class day 1 of Hopkins and i was nervous. Tessa's warmth and friendliness immediately put me at ease and we were fast friends. We then took many classes together, joined activities together, and I felt at ease taking on new topics if I had Tessa there with me. She was my study buddy, running pal, business fraternity pledge partner, and so much more. I will never forget her rapping with ease - I was impressed! Her perspective on the world was moving and made me a better person. I am completely heart broken by her passing but forever grateful I met her that first day of college. She pushed me forward, inspired me, and made me smile with her radiant light. I will miss Tessa forever. Sending love to the Wiseman family.